Changing the world one

speech event conference summit podcast at a time.

“Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

We help people launch, build, and grow successful speaking businesses. Get booked and paid to seek. Transform your public speaking and become an in-demand speaker! We have composed a widespread community of successful motivational speakers to provide inspiration, motivation, insights, and insider opportunities. Train with the greatest motivational speakers around and get speaking opportunities emailed directly to you!


Through Public Speakers Association, you will learn how to get booked and paid to speak consistently. You will learn how to build relationships in your field, negotiate higher speaker frees, and find life-changing speaker opportunities. Find your voice and your courage as we help motivate you to become a leader for your generation. They say we’re the best and our goal is to continually prove it to you. Fill your calendar with speaking engagements and put your speaking career on the fast track. Join our community of 9,000+ members to ask questions, receive customized advice, and gain insider tips. Get started for just $25/month!

Elevate Your Life And Brand 

Elevate Your Life And Brand 

Elevate Your Life And Brand 

Elevate Your Life And Brand 

Elevate Your Life And Brand 

Elevate Your Life And Brand